One of the great challenges of providing assistance without borders is to be able to work coordinating the operational logistics of providing assistance services. Traceability, contact rate, response time, service delivery system, and all the factors that determine the success of our operation eventually guarantee measurable and scalable results for our customers.
Our company has a differential that has allowed us to operate from innovation fronts, providing comprehensive services at all stages, and that is what has positioned us as leaders in the category of assistance services.
This differential is to be able to count on three operational fronts: Addiuva, from the assistance services front, Voccare, from the customer service and operational logistics front, and Ikatech, from the technological development front for the interaction of ecosystems.
Working as a team has allowed us to have traceability in the provision of assistance services, especially in claims attention. The integration of technology, people-centered experience design, and the number one network of assistance service providers in the region, have allowed us to have an average inspector assignment time of 24 seconds, improving by 66% the normal time of other competitors.
Bearing in mind that the integration of areas is vital for our clients, we facilitate the operational logistics through Eküs, our technological platform that assigns emergency advisors, and takes into account details such as proximity to the insured, shift management, night hours, etc.; our network of suppliers guarantees that there is always someone to respond to the service assignment, and our contact center ensures that, in the event of difficulties, the insured maintains their level of satisfaction, achieving an NPS of 97.3%.
We understand the need for information management in an era of hyperconnection, and we know that it is through optimization that operational logistics gains value within companies, so we continue to work every day to ensure that the service we provide has everything our customers need from business intelligence to business conversion and loyalty.
If you want to learn more about our business holding and methodology, register here.